Hanging Magnolia Wreath Cake
While everyone seems to be yearning to enjoy those last few extra hot weeks of summer, I am currently in the world of holiday cake planning. Labor Day is always the marker for me—it seems like overnight people jump at the opportunity to switch gears from summer to fall, and with that comes planning extraordinary holiday events.
I’m excited to get started on all the cakes camouflaged as holiday related items I already have on the books for parties this year, but it will be hard to top this extravagant hanging magnolia wreath cake from last year. One of my bucket list cakes, it required me making a custom board structure that allowed for the cake to hang from a pink vertical ribbon. Then over 100 gum paste magnolia leaves were made by hand to create the full wreath effect. You can see the full behind the scenes video of me making this cake here.
Looking for more inspiration for a holiday or celebration cake of your own? Head over to the Celebration Cakes page to see some of my favorites.